1. Course Objective
This two-day course presents RCI's PEAKS
psychometric profile based on research in the
Five Factor Model (FFM) - what it is, how it was
developed, and how it can be used in practical
applications with individuals, with
relationships, and with teams. Participants
experience a wide range of learning methods
including self-assessment, small group work,
case studies, exercises, role-play, video,
readings and lecture. The PEAKS profiling system
is viewed as the most comprehensive personality
assessment system that may be used in every area
of professional development and organisational
functioning. RCI's PEAKS profiling
instrumentations and services can be
incorporated into all areas of human resource
and personal development such as sales training
& customer service, selection & job
profiling, training needs analysis, succession
planning, organisational development
interventions, career counselling, leadership
development, management training etc.
The objectives of the course are as follows:
- The importance of Understanding
Personality Traits
- History and Definitions of the Five Factor
Model (FFM)
- Application of profiles in individual
Coaching/Counseling; Career Development;
Team Development; Recruitment and
Deployment; Orientation
- Personality-based Styles relating to
Leadership, Conflict, Relational, Problem
Solving, Learning, Decision-Making
- Ethical Considerations in Using the
psychometric profiles
2. Course Content
The highly participative 2-day program
includes the following key topics:
- Introduction to psychometric tools
- Brief history of RCI's development
- Definition of Personality
- The Five Factor Model
- Individual Results
- The 25 PEAKS personality facets
- The Work Behaviour Profile (51 work
behaviours and competencies)
- Training Activities for the Five-Factor
- Relationship Development: Partnerships,
Groups & Client Bonding
- Team Development: Creative Synergy
- Staff Deployment & Personal
- Career Development Planning & Review
- Deriving other Test Models from the
Five-Factor Model
- Interpretation of the Five-Factor Model
(Leadership, Conflict Management,
Problem-Solving, Learning Styles, Creativity
Optimism, Training Needs, Attitudes, etc)
- Personal and Professional Application
3. Interpretation and Consultation
RCI's consultants certified for personal
workplace use of RCI's profiling tool are
authorised to execute the following:
- Interpret the PEAKS report in coaching,
counselling, work improvement and guidance
in deployment and recruitment.
- Attend advanced courses on the Specialised
Applications Programmes (SAPs)
- Attend public seminars/symposia
- Purchase all profiles and products at
special rates reviewed from time to time
- Attend or present papers/reports/insights
at the Annual Symposia and Global Leadership
& Mentoring Congress
- Have access to updates on the instruments
and related research
4. Methodology
- Interactive Multimedia
- Pair and Group Work
- Simulations & Games
- Video clips and Case studies
- Measurement and evaluation
- Commitment and Involvement
- Stoppers and Reframers
5. Participants
Internal and external Human Resource
Professionals, Educators, Counselors, Academics
and Professionals who use personality traits
vocabulary with their clients. Persons certified
in this course have the privilege of
administering, interpreting and applying the
PEAKS profiles in their workplace. They will
also be entitled to purchase exclusive materials
from Research Communication International.
6. Instructor
7. Dates/Location
Location: RCI Centre: 7 Grange Road
Date: To be advised